Saturday, November 3, 2012

Social Media Marketing - Fall 2012 - Week 11

This week, we want to focus on three things:

  • Peer Review
  • Twitter and other social networking tools...
  • Revising Semester Project

Peer Review

Your first task this week is to be sure you have completed your Peer Review. Email your review to your classmate and post to the Peer Review dropbox. Let me know if you have questions. I should be making these assignments soon.

Homework 9 - Twitter and other social networking tools...

  • Create a Twitter account. Even if you already have a Twitter account, please create one just for this assignment. Do this as soon as possible, and post your Twitter username to the Message Board. If you are unfamiliar with how Twitter works, do some research or please ask.
  • Follow at least 10 Twitter accounts, broken down as follows:
    • One classmate
    • Three organizations that tweet about Social Media Marketing
    • Three organizations using Twitter to market their products/services.
    • Any other Twitter account you want. Celebrity, friend, organization, etc...
  • Tweet at least 3 current news links about Social Media... Use a link shortener, such as
  • Tweet at least 3 tweets about Social Networking sites other than the ones we have reviewed (Facebook, Blogger, YouTube, Twitter, Google +, etc.). Use a link shortener, such as
  • Re-tweet at least 3 tweets from each the accounts you are following. For at least 1, add your own comments to the retweet.
  • Create a blog entry that contains:
    • A link to your Twitter page
    • Rank the three organizations using Twitter to market their products/services, that you have followed, by how effective they use Twitter. Explain your rankings
    • Define some guidelines for the effective use of Twitter
    • Answer the following question: Is Twitter better suited for some organizations than others? If so, what about an organization makes it well suited for Twitter?
    • A summary of the other Social Networking platforms you tweeted about, what benefits they offer their users, and what marketing benefits do they offer to marketers.

Revising Semester Project

Take the feedback I and your classmate has given you, and continue researching and working on Semester Project. Please contact me with questions. Continue to discuss the project on the Message Board.

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